Shoes glorious Shoes - but what about the pain factor?
"No pain no
gain" they say but where's the fun in pain when you are wearing fabulous shoes and you feel like they're attacking your feet!
Well I have a few go to items that have helped me and I thought why not share on
my blog for others to benefit!!
Obviously heels are the big culprits but sometimes even
breaking in a pair of flats can be painful at times.
favourite products are the blister prevent spray and spray plaster from Boots Nationwide /

Use the blister prevent spray before your night out or if
you are going to a wedding and you will keep your shoes on all day/night - I can
say that as I have!
Yes by the early morning you may be slightly weary in your heels
especially if you are in them all day but this will help with the pain.
If you are not prepared and those new shoes rub the back of your heels then use the spray plaster - it is a great way to avoid unsightly plasters - if you're trying to show off new shoes - plasters aren't a good look!!
Another thing that helps to combat the pain caused to the balls of your feet by high heels especially are Gel Cushions - these are two available on the market and can be bought in either Pharmacies or Shoe Shops. I lost a pair once and it wasn't long before I replaced them as once you get used to these in your shoes you will not want to be without - they too add staying power when wearing heels.

Other items that help are:
To add to comfort of wearing flats - Penneys foot cushions that you can stick into your shoes and the footies with cushions that you can wear are good - particularly for very flat flats. These are available in Penneys Nationwide:

Heel shields / cushions are good for shoes that
"Flip off" and they are also good for protecting the back of your heel - (These too are available in most Pharmacies / Shoe

Wear your shoes with pride and not pain
ladies and I will leave the last word to the lady who knows her
Bye for now! xxx
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