"Get to know my blog tag" - a re-introduction #ITWBN
Hi all,
I was tagged by the lovely Ruth from The Beauty Kemple to do this "get to know my blog tag"! Read Ruth's post here.
I can't believe I'm only just getting to finish this now. October was me getting back into it month (not sure what happened to September...it flew!). It hasn't helped that I then got sick (Murphys Law) but here it finally is!
It's a blog to re-introduce ourselves and also reminisce about past #itwbnbloggerevents. I met Ruth at an ITWBN event, like many of my blogger buddies who have become my friends now! It is great network set up by Sinead Sinead Carroll and Saibh Egan that supports and links bloggers who then link up and support each other!
1. So first things first describe your blog:
My blog was set-up as a Fashion/Style Blog and I then introduced beauty. If something is going on in my life I will sometimes write about it also, so there is a bit of lifestyle in there too...I guess fashion and beauty are part of our daily lifestyles also!
2. What has been your favourite product you have received through an #itwbnbloggerevent?
This is a tough one...I have been lucky enough to receive many great products and I have many many faves. I do love my Body Shop Lip and Cheek Velvet Stick. It's a very handy on the go product!
3. Two things you learned from attending an #itwbnbloggerevent ?
i). The importance of networking (I can still be shy at times though!) but the group really make you feel like you belong which is great
ii). Never underestimate power of social media...good and bad!
I've learned alot really now that I start writing. Being introduced to the group has been a highlight of my blogging journey!
4. Who are some bestie bloggers that you have met from being part of the itwbn family? This can be virtual friends also!
I have made great friends by being part of the #itwbn! I wish I could list them all but here are a few of the bloggers I have met from the beginning and/or who I link up with on social media with alot and there's a link to their blog pages too:
Ruth...The Beauty Kemple
Siobhan...Dreaming in Sequins
Jen...Too Dolly Make-Up
Sandra...A Modern Mommy's World
June...Sometimes Write
Sarah...The Creative Yoke
Sarah Jane...Siren and Soul
Ruth...Fashion Truth by Ruth
And the two that started it all (and I wouldn't be writing this only for them!)
Sinead...Yummy Mummy Fashion and Lifestyle Blog
Saibh...Wild Cosmia
5. Top 3 blogging tips on getting started:
i).Having the confidence and support from family and friends is great
ii). Join a blogger network and network at events to pick up tips and connect with like minded individuals
iii). Connect on social media with fellow bloggers and companies too if you've reviewed a product and use hashtags!
6. Amazing things that have happened to you because of blogging?
I have met great people along the way, been to some great events, it has built my confidence and it has been a great outlet. If you lose your mojo in anyway (and I have at times) the energy and buzz from other bloggers really helps you get it back!
7. Favourite social media app and why?
Instagram! It's great for micro-blogging and I get good interaction on it. Twitter is a close second, it's a great connector with brands
8. Favourite guest speaker from an Into the West Event?
All the speakers have been great, it's hard to pick just one! I really liked Kate Kelly from Cocoa Brown. She was really informative on Business/PR, she works for an amazing company and is only 22! She also has her own blog Pure Irish Sugar...check it out!
9. Who is an inspiring blogger you look up to in the itwbn family who inspires you?
Not to sound mushy but they are all inspiring in their own way. I think Ruth from The Beauty Kemple (who tagged me) inspires me alot...she is proactive and has embraced so many oppotunities since she started blogging and is just a great person who I now call a friend! Her motivation is contagious when I may lose mine. Also Sandra from A Modern Mommy's World and now also My Style Pursuit. She puts such great work into both blogs along with having a family and job...she too is an inspiration. Check out her blogs, you won't be disappointed!
10. Where do you see you're blog in 12 months?
Oooh I definitely would like it to grow. It has been slowly but surely. It grew from a Facebook page only to where it is now but there definitely is more to do! I want to give it a bit of a revamp (I've started already - you can let me know what you think!) and I definitely need to get business cards for events. I want to get more posts up too (I sometimes can be a bit stop/start)...but only if they're right.
I don't like to rush posts, especially product reviews.
I guess overall I want it to be fun for people reading it and for myself as that is why I started it all!
Thank you for reading and to Ruth for tagging me and to the ITWBN!
Please all you ITWBN lovelies...give this a whirl too!!
Here are my posts on the ITWBN events I have attended to date (I was disappointed to miss the last one and hope to make the next one!):
August 2014
November 2014
February 2015
May 2015
ITWBN Cocktail Night
Bye for now xxx
Keep an eye on my Facebook/Instagram/Twitter for daily "Magstyleisms" and mircroblogging!
I was tagged by the lovely Ruth from The Beauty Kemple to do this "get to know my blog tag"! Read Ruth's post here.
I can't believe I'm only just getting to finish this now. October was me getting back into it month (not sure what happened to September...it flew!). It hasn't helped that I then got sick (Murphys Law) but here it finally is!
It's a blog to re-introduce ourselves and also reminisce about past #itwbnbloggerevents. I met Ruth at an ITWBN event, like many of my blogger buddies who have become my friends now! It is great network set up by Sinead Sinead Carroll and Saibh Egan that supports and links bloggers who then link up and support each other!
1. So first things first describe your blog:
My blog was set-up as a Fashion/Style Blog and I then introduced beauty. If something is going on in my life I will sometimes write about it also, so there is a bit of lifestyle in there too...I guess fashion and beauty are part of our daily lifestyles also!
2. What has been your favourite product you have received through an #itwbnbloggerevent?
This is a tough one...I have been lucky enough to receive many great products and I have many many faves. I do love my Body Shop Lip and Cheek Velvet Stick. It's a very handy on the go product!
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The Body Shop Lip and Cheek Velvet Stick |
3. Two things you learned from attending an #itwbnbloggerevent ?
i). The importance of networking (I can still be shy at times though!) but the group really make you feel like you belong which is great
ii). Never underestimate power of social media...good and bad!
I've learned alot really now that I start writing. Being introduced to the group has been a highlight of my blogging journey!
4. Who are some bestie bloggers that you have met from being part of the itwbn family? This can be virtual friends also!
I have made great friends by being part of the #itwbn! I wish I could list them all but here are a few of the bloggers I have met from the beginning and/or who I link up with on social media with alot and there's a link to their blog pages too:
Ruth...The Beauty Kemple
Siobhan...Dreaming in Sequins
Jen...Too Dolly Make-Up
Sandra...A Modern Mommy's World
June...Sometimes Write
Sarah...The Creative Yoke
Sarah Jane...Siren and Soul
Ruth...Fashion Truth by Ruth
And the two that started it all (and I wouldn't be writing this only for them!)
Sinead...Yummy Mummy Fashion and Lifestyle Blog
Saibh...Wild Cosmia
5. Top 3 blogging tips on getting started:
i).Having the confidence and support from family and friends is great
ii). Join a blogger network and network at events to pick up tips and connect with like minded individuals
iii). Connect on social media with fellow bloggers and companies too if you've reviewed a product and use hashtags!
6. Amazing things that have happened to you because of blogging?
I have met great people along the way, been to some great events, it has built my confidence and it has been a great outlet. If you lose your mojo in anyway (and I have at times) the energy and buzz from other bloggers really helps you get it back!
7. Favourite social media app and why?
Instagram! It's great for micro-blogging and I get good interaction on it. Twitter is a close second, it's a great connector with brands
8. Favourite guest speaker from an Into the West Event?
All the speakers have been great, it's hard to pick just one! I really liked Kate Kelly from Cocoa Brown. She was really informative on Business/PR, she works for an amazing company and is only 22! She also has her own blog Pure Irish Sugar...check it out!
9. Who is an inspiring blogger you look up to in the itwbn family who inspires you?
Not to sound mushy but they are all inspiring in their own way. I think Ruth from The Beauty Kemple (who tagged me) inspires me alot...she is proactive and has embraced so many oppotunities since she started blogging and is just a great person who I now call a friend! Her motivation is contagious when I may lose mine. Also Sandra from A Modern Mommy's World and now also My Style Pursuit. She puts such great work into both blogs along with having a family and job...she too is an inspiration. Check out her blogs, you won't be disappointed!
10. Where do you see you're blog in 12 months?
Oooh I definitely would like it to grow. It has been slowly but surely. It grew from a Facebook page only to where it is now but there definitely is more to do! I want to give it a bit of a revamp (I've started already - you can let me know what you think!) and I definitely need to get business cards for events. I want to get more posts up too (I sometimes can be a bit stop/start)...but only if they're right.
I don't like to rush posts, especially product reviews.
I guess overall I want it to be fun for people reading it and for myself as that is why I started it all!
Thank you for reading and to Ruth for tagging me and to the ITWBN!
Please all you ITWBN lovelies...give this a whirl too!!
Here are my posts on the ITWBN events I have attended to date (I was disappointed to miss the last one and hope to make the next one!):
August 2014
November 2014
February 2015
May 2015
ITWBN Cocktail Night
Bye for now xxx
Keep an eye on my Facebook/Instagram/Twitter for daily "Magstyleisms" and mircroblogging!
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